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How to Use Admin Portal

Learn how to access the Admin Portal and add/remove Admins

Updated over a week ago

How to access Admin Portal

The Admin Portal is separate from the User Dashboard.

The easiest way is to access the Admin Portal is while logged in as a user, from your User Dashboard. Go to the top of the dashboard, beneath your profile picture. Open the drop-down menu and click "Access Admin Portal." You can also go to

How to add/remove Admins

There is no limit on the number of Admin 'seats' for your organization.

Following your Welcome/Onboarding Call, we request a list of email addresses that should receive Admin access. Contact our team to add/remove admins.

In order to get Admin access, the user must first have a user account.

Out of respect for your users’ privacy, we suggest:

  • Limit access to your Admin Portal and data to people who absolutely need it.

  • Enabling multi-factor authentication for accounts with Admin access if they're not already protected through SSO. Turn this on for your account via the Settings page.

  • See more suggestions about Personal Data & Privacy.

Feature Access

Your Admin Portal will have varying levels of feature access based on your subscription tier. If not seeing a feature you're interested in, contact us about upgrade options.

Admin Portal Features


  • On the Users tab, view a list of users who have signed up for your dashboard.

  • Click the hyperlinked user name to see more specifics: User's completed actions, points earned and spent, address, state and zipcode, upcoming elections, teams, invites sent. All action, points and invite data is time-stamped.

  • Your organization can optionally hide all individual user data so that Admins do not see information about specific users. Contact us to disable Users.

  • User data can be exported from the Dashboard tab, using the following steps:

    • Click the blue button on the top right: 'Prepare user export'

    • The export will prepare, you can refresh your browser

    • Click the teal button: "Export user data" to export the file


  • On the Teams tab, add or edit existing Teams and manage user membership.

  • On the list of teams are ones created by an Admin and by users (if this featured is enabled on your dashboard). Admin-created teams are followed by '(a)' and user-created teams are followed by '(u).'

  • For each team, view the current members of the team. You can add new users to a team (if they are signed up for your dashboard already) or remove them too.

  • Note: Even if your organization is not using the Teams feature or has the tab hidden on your user-facing dashboard, the Teams tab will still show on the Admin Portal. This is because our database structure recognizes your entire dashboard as a "Parent" team," and specific features are managed on a team basis. These include:

    • Home Page Description

    • Meta-image for social media

    • Invite Friends templates


  • Use this feature to generate direct referral links to specific teams. You can create shortlinks or QR codes from these links to promote sign-ups to specific teams.

  • When users click this link while signing up for Motivote, they will automatically be joined to the specific team. This eliminates the step of the user needing to find the team on the Teams tab click the team name in order to join it.

  • Unlike the links generated from the user dashboard through the Invite Friends feature, these links don't attach to an individual user.


  • If Custom Actions are enabled for your dashboard, use this tab to add new Custom Actions or edit existing ones. First create the action, then assign to users. Read more about adding Custom Actions.

  • Note: While you can add Custom Actions directly to the Admin Portal, Motivote can also add actions on your behalf. Submit this form to request a new Custom Action.


  • Use this tab to add new Custom Prizes or edit existing ones. First create the prize, then assign to users. Read more about adding Custom Prizes.

  • Note: While you can add Custom Prizes directly to the Admin Portal, Motivote can also add prizes on your behalf. Submit this form to request a new Custom Prize.

Prize Entries

  • Use this tab to view a list of all prizes that users have purchased or entered to win.

  • You can also export the full set of prize entry data from this tab into a spreadsheet.


  • Use this tab to view and manage all widgets for your dashboard. Read more about embeddable widgets.

  • View overall usage stats through the Widget Metrics button, next to the Add button on the top right. Widget users will also appear in the Users tab if they save an account after redirect to your user dashboard.


  • Use this tab to manage design, content and settings for your user dashboard. Access the following tabs using the aqua-colored 'edit' button.

    • Design: update main logo and backsplash images

    • Account Creation: options for sign-up screen

    • Pages: indicate which tabs to display on the user menu

    • Home Page: set parameters for preview displays

    • Member Leaderboard: set columns to display on leaderboard

    • Teams: set permissions for user-created teams

    • Other: additional customization options

    • Content: add/edit content for all text blocks (except Home Page Description, which is editable from the 'Teams' interface for your parent team)

  • You can also view and export data using the blue-colored 'info' button.

    • In the top right of the screen are buttons for user export and custom action export (if applicable). Use the following steps:

      • Click the blue button on the top right: 'Prepare user export'

      • The export will prepare, you can refresh your browser

      • Click the teal button: "Export user data" to export the file

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