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New Product Features

Running list of the latest updates and improvements to Motivote.

Updated over a week ago

Want to see Motivote in action? View our interactive Hogwarts Votes demo!

Progress Trackers

Our suite of Progress Trackers make it simple to see what actions are complete, what's left to be done, and any upcoming deadlines. Just click the action to complete the module, and stay on track to 100% vote-ready!

💡 Why we built this: This view helps voters understand election-readiness as a multi-step process with dependencies. Now users can quickly gauge where they are in the voting process and view all outstanding actions in one glance.

Team Metrics Progress Tracker

Activate users through friendly competition with visual views of aggregate progress for each team. Trackers update in real-time as members of each team complete key election actions. Sort by most members, most invites, and average points per user.

💡 Why we built this: Partners asked for it! Team Metrics offer a creative way to tap into 'positive peer pressure' and encourage teams to get to 100% readiness. It also provides easy-to-digest data on how communities are engaging and where to focus.

Registration Check

Registration Status Check Shortcut

In addition to checking registration status by opening the Election Action tile, we added a shortcut to the top navigation bar. This makes it easy to check any time from any page.

User details are pre-filled to avoid extra steps. We even added a red visual indicator if the user hasn't yet checked their status to to keep this task front-of-mind!

💡 Why we built this: Given that registration is a critical, time-sensitive step, it should be easy for users to access this action through multiple avenues. Visual cues alert users when they have an outstanding task to complete.

Registration Check Freshness Data

When users check their registration status on Motivote as a logged-in or logged-out user, they now see the date we last received an updated voter file for their state.

States update their voter files to our data provider on different cadences - some every few weeks, some every few months. This data is helpful for voters who just recently registered, in case they need to search their state website directly.

💡 Why we built this: Some users felt confused and concerned when they thought they were registered but Motivote said they weren't. In many cases, they had recently registered and our voter file data provider had not received updated voter files from the state. With the freshness data, gain more confidence in the information we provide.

'Un-Gated' Election Actions

Previously, users had to first create an account to view or access any election actions - a barrier to getting started. Now, new users (or “visitors”) can complete basic actions without logging in. At the end of the action module, visitors are prompted to save an account to track their process and access more features, like points and prizes.

Upon saving an account, the actions visitors completed are saved to their profile. Via the Admin Portal, clients see engagement data even if the user doesn't create an account.

Action Types

  • Look Up Next Election: Enter your address to find your next election name and date, then select a voting method (by mail, early, in-person) based on state rules.

  • Check Registration Status: Check if you’re registered at your current address against the national voter file. We return your status, along with registration deadlines for upcoming elections and prompts to get registered as needed.

💡 Why we built this: Enabling users to complete basic actions without an account makes the tool more accessible and inviting. The check registration functionality offers a more sophisticated and useful approach than traditional voter registration status tools. While legacy resources don't tell users any information about upcoming elections or deadlines, our version provides actionable guidance.

Visual Deadline Countdowns

💡 Why we built this: Most people are better at processing visual information than text by itself. Step-by-step breakdowns make it simple to digest logistic requirements and plan exactly how to vote. Plus, color-coded countdowns eliminate the 'mental math' of statements like "the registration deadline is 15 days before Election Day" or "ballot requests are due the fourth business day before Election Day."

Gamification & Rewards

'Time-Bound' Competitions

Creatively engage users with a limited-duration Competition to complete specific gamified tasks within a specific time period.

First, assign Custom Actions to a specific Competition. Then track how many actions users complete. A leaderboard shows participants, action totals, and points scores.

Points earned during Competitions don't count toward overall Total Points, to keep the standings fair to users who don't participate in the Competition or join after it's over.

💡 Why we built this: Partners asked for it! This is a creative way to engage through a 'March Madness' style competition or celebrate a Civic Holiday like National Voter Education Week where you want users to complete specific actions in a set time period.

Flexible Prize Logic

💡 Why we built this: Our expanded set of prize types and logic make it easy to celebrate users in a way that fits your community culture and resources. We also plan to add additional types: goal-based prizes, action completion prizes, and team prizes.


Embeddable Widget

Organizations can embed a custom widget on their own website using a simple code snippet called an 'iframe.' It's the same type of code you use to embed a Youtube video.

How It Works

On your website, visitors enter their address to look up their next election via API. Once we show the visitor the election name and date, they are prompted to make a plan to vote on your Motivote dashboard, which will open in a new window. Their address is captured, so they won't need to enter it again on Motivote.

Widget buttons will automatically appear in your brand color. You can add an image, header and text as part of your iframe. Or use a 'stripped down' version with just the election lookup field to fully integrate into your own website design. In the future, we'll add text styling and more format customizations.

Clients with this feature enabled can create and edit the widget directly in the Admin Portal, with changes rendered in real-time. Learn about adding this →

💡 Why we built this: Create a seamless ‘gateway’ to your Motivote portal from your main digital home. Enabling users to first interact with our tools on your website increases engagement and trust.

Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Motivote's login system can be integrated with a number of single sign-on authentication services used by our clients.

Choose to show only your institutional SSO option, or keep standard account creation and Google/Facebook SSO options for a broader audience. Learn about adding this →

💡 Why we built this: SSO makes it seamless for users to access Motivote using existing credentials. Not having to create a new account drives more engagement and usage. It also signals that voters are engaged with a trusted resource.

Visual & Content Improvements

  • Custom favicon (small image on the browser tab to identify a website)

  • Flex Block to showcase your choice of images, GIFs, videos, actions or selfies

  • Option to show Election Actions above Custom Actions instead of below

  • Options to hide or display: Teams, Members, Prizes, Invites, Create Teams tabs

  • Custom fields for Home Page, Election Actions and Custom Actions headers

  • Mobile: Reduced need for vertical scrolling when selecting multiple choice options

  • Mobile: Simplified, less cluttered actions view and improved logo/backsplash layout

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