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Custom Prize Ideas

Looking for creative prize ideas? Check out these suggestions from campus partners.

Updated over a week ago

Ready to start your prize outreach? Get started with this editable template. Make a copy and customize it to use in your outreach to potential providers. While oriented for local businesses/brands, you can adapt to use for campus outreach.

Reward Ideas

In addition to the Prize Store, where users can ‘cash in’ their points to buy or enter for rewards, you might consider the following options to celebrate users:

  1. “Top X” for Total Points or Invites Score. Reward the top-scoring users to incentivize completing actions and sending invites. Make sure the Members tab is turned on so users can track their own progress on the leaderboard.

  2. “First X” for Signing Up or Specific Actions. Incentivize your community to sign up or complete key actions. Either directly reward the first 10, 50, 100 etc. users who sign up or complete a specific action with a small prize, or enter them into a drawing for a bigger prize.

  3. Overall Grand Prize Raffle Drawing. Automatically enter users who meet certain criteria — like completing all election actions or earning a minimum number of points overall — into a raffle at the end of the election.

  4. Group Prize for Top-Scoring Teams. Reward overall team engagement at the end of the election with a group celebration, event, charitable donation, etc. Use the Team Metrics feature (available via Teams tab) to sort teams by metrics like total points, total members, total invites, and overall progress.

Campus Prize Ideas


Free meal plan for a semester

Free parking plan / VIP parking space for semester

"Get out of a parking ticket" pass from campus safety

Free/discounted housing for a semester

Free textbooks/school supplies

Priority for course registration or advising appointment

Priority for on-campus housing selection

Study abroad scholarship

Scholarship for alternative spring break trip

Creative freedom to paint a mural on campus

Charitable donation to cause of your choice

Personal trainer/nutritionist session

Hang with campus 'celebrity' - mascot, president, etc.


School merch / swag

Social media/website shoutout

Campus Bookstore discounts

Gift cards from local businesses

Dining services "dining dollars"

Faculty: Extra credit / assignment skip pass


Private / catered dinner, pizza party, bagel breakfast, etc.

More money in student activities budget for following term

Charitable donation to a cause of the group's choice

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